Happy New Year!

2013 has been a great year for me, surrounded with amazing people like you who know how to appreciate great music.

I hope it has been a great year for all of you too. And let’s all hope for an even more awesome year in 2014.

Happy new fucking year everyone !


Solipsistic at #3 On Morow.com’s Best of Progressive Rock in 2013

This is insane! Solipsistic is #3 on Morow.com I’m completely speechless again! I can’t thank you guys enough.

#1 Jolly – The Audio Guide to Happiness Part II
#2 Steven Wilson – The Raven that Refused to Sing
#3 Semantic Saturation – Solipsistic

Source: www.morow.com

Here’s a screenshot of the site:

Morow - The best progressive rock albums in 2013
Morow – The best progressive rock albums in 2013

If you’re a prog fans and you don’t listen to Morow.com, you’re missing a lot! Morow’s slogan is “The best progressive rock of yesterday and today” which actually stands true if you glance at their awesome playlist.

Win a Signed Copy – Also Free Shipping Week

It’s time for another giveaway!

All you have to do is [Share] and [Like] this Facebook post for a chance to win one of the signed copies of Solipsistic CD.

Two randomly picked winners will receive a signed CD, a guitar pick and a button magnet.
Winners will be announced December 24 at midnight (EST)

Also Free Shipping this week!

Get your Solipsistic CD bundle at http://bit.ly/buycdbundle and pay 0$ for shipping.
This offer expires Sunday, December 29th at midnight (EST)

Free Givaway and Free Shipping Week
Free Givaway and Free Shipping Week

Ages of Rock Best Albums in 2013 includes Solipsistic

Italian review web ‘zine Ages of Rock picks Solipsistic as one of the best albums in 2013.

Here’s the list:

COSMOGRAF – The Man Left In Space

AEON ZEN – Enigma

COMEDY OF ERRORS – Fanfare & Fantasy


Intronaut – Habitual Levitation


ANVISION – Astral Phase

ARLON – On the Edge

KINGBATHMAT  – Overcoming the Monster

MASCHINE – Rubidium

DEAD HEROES CLUB – Everything Is Connected

PERSON LATTICE – Reaching High Places Above

PROSPEKT – The Colourless Sunrise

source: http://agesofrock.wordpress.com/2013/12/20/playlist-2013-bands-emergenti-2013-emerging-bands-playlist/

The Dutch Website ProgPraat.com Reviews Solipsistic

One late review for Solipsistic has surfaced on the dutch prog web ‘zine ProgPraat.com (Prog Talk)

Without further due, here’s the review (hey! that rhymed)
Edit: English translation below the original article is provided by Peter Degreef. Thank you Peter!

Semantic Saturation – Solipsistic

Posted on  by Rinco Ennema

Voor de liefhebbers van instrumentale progressieve metal hebben we toch iets lekkers voor onder de kerstboom: Semantic Saturation, en dan wel hun debuutalbum ‘Solipsistic’.

Muziek zonder grenzen, dat is wat ik erover kan zeggen. Het volledige album staat op de bandcamppagina van de band, maar wie de muziek in de hoogste kwaliteit wil horen koopt ‘m natuurlijk gewoon. De opbrengsten gaan voornamelijk linea recta naar de band aangezien ze alles in eigen beheer doen en dus niets hoeven af te dragen aan een maatschappij of label. sem

Het album is door meerdere (buitenlandse) recensenten al positief beoordeeld en ik kan me daar slechts bij aansluiten. Ik ben nog geen Nederlandse reviews tegengekomen, wat me verbaasde aangezien het album al in januari van dit jaar uitgekomen is. Uiteraard kan ik eventuele reviews gemist hebben.

Er zitten wat bekende namen bij dit project. Initiatiefnemer is Shant Hagopian die de gitaarpartijen doet, hulp krijgt hij van drummer Virgil Donati en bassist Ric Fierabracci. Als speciale gasten deden mee ex- Dream Theater-toetsenist Derek Sherinian en Vanden Plas-zanger Andy Kuntz. Niet dat er veel wordt gezongen, maar de laatste track, ‘What If We All Stop’ breekt de muzikale ban een beetje. Zeker te weten een heerlijk album!


source: http://progpraat.com/2013/12/16/semantic-saturation-solipsistic/

English translation by Peter Degreef

For lovers of instrumental prog metal I have found something nice for under the x-mas tree: the debut album by Semantic Saturation. Music without borders, is what I can say about it. For the best listening experience: buy the record. All benefits go straight to the band. Shant Hagopian plays guitar, Virgil Donati drums and Ric Fierabracci bass, with special guests ex- Dream Theater-keyboardist Derek Sherinian and Vanden Plas-singer Andy Kuntz. Not that there is much singing going on, but the last track ‘What If We All Stop’ breaks the spell al little. A wonderful album for sure!