Albums That Changed My Life

Yesterday I asked you (the fans) on Facebook what albums have changed your lives in a way. Some of you provided amazing explanations, and I thought why not answer this post myself? So here goes…

Pink Floyd - The WallPink Floyd – The Wall

I believe I have already shared with you my story with this album earlier. As a kid, Comfortably Numb was my favourite song for a long time without even knowing who the artist was, and Shazam was not an option back then.
Pink Floyd – not only The Wall – was my entry ticket to the Rock and Prog world.


Metallica - The Black AlbumMetallica – Metallica (A.K.A The Black Album)

Some time in 1992, the moment I realized what metal is about. This is the album that got me into metal with all its sub genres. It was pretty much like a transformation which I felt deep inside, enlightening the shadowy figures that lurked within the darkest corners of my soul. So yeah…
Metallica was my entry ticket to the metal world.


Dream Theater - A Change of SeasonsDream Theater – A Change of Seasons

I know, I know. Some of you are going to say it’s not a full length album. Well I actually mean the track itself. I discovered Dream Theater through Pink Floyd, since they covered The Thin Ice in this album. Boy I was hooked when I listened to title track and after a few spins I sure knew what the hell was going on and I was cursing… in a good way that is.
A Change of seasons was my entry ticket to the prog metal world.


Nu.Clear.DaNu.Clear.Dawn - Poem of a Knightwn – Poem of a Knight

Yep, this was the first album I recorded with my old band. I know it may look like a shameless plug but I cannot not include it in this list. After all it did change my life as a musician and guitarist, it was the album that helped me understand how writing, composing and recording works.
Poem of a Knight was my entry ticket to the recording world.


In Absentia

Porcupine Tree – In Absentia

This album is already in my Top 10 Favorite Albums list. I’m guessing the reason it made it to that list is because I realized how beautiful, colorful and sweet it sounds. Which is also the same reason I’m including it here.
In Absentia made me realize how simple yet beautiful and addictive can progressive rock be.


Semantic Saturation - SolipsisticSemantic Saturation – Solipsistic

Shameless plug #2 – But come on, I get to work with some of the most amazing musicians, and release an album with them. If this album is not included in my own “Albums that changed my life” list, I don’t know what should.
Semantic Saturation was my entry ticket to get to know and get in touch with a lot of prog heads like you, other than the fact that it’s the first album for many more to come.


So there you have it. Thanks for reading, and please share your story with all of us by commenting below or by commenting on the Facebook or Twitter pages.