Semantic Saturation Going on Indefinite Hiatus

After months of tinkering, denial, giving up, planning, and fighting with myself, I’ve finally decided. It’s time to give Semantic Saturation project a break. I’m simply at a point where I can’t support myself financially anymore unless I take some action.

This doesn’t mean I’m not going to make new music. But I’ll do things differently from now on, and to preserve the original idea of having different musicians collaborating with me on Semantic Saturation, I had to put the project on indefinite hiatus. This does not mean the project is done for good. I will keep posting news on all social media channels as well as the website, newsletter and blog. But there will be no new Semantic Saturation albums in the near future, unless things change for the better.
Which leads us to some happier news.

Today, I’m launching my own Patreon page, to let you support my creations on a per creation basis. The songs that I release on Patreon will only be available to my supporters (patrons). And with the launch of the Patreon page, I’m releasing a new 6 minutes long song “Cosmic Perspective”, featuring a lovely voice this time around. To be honest, I got a few chills during the writing and listening process myself, so dopamine is guaranteed. At least for me and some of my friends who have already heard the song.

Go the my Patreon page to listen to the teaser. If you like it, consider supporting to listen to the full song, and so I can continue making music for you. The full song will be available today, exclusively to my Patrons.

If you don’t know what Patreon is, it’s basically an ongoing crowdfunding campaign with a nice twist. You select a membership level, $2, $5 or $10 and based on your selection you receive rewards as per your tier. But You only get charged when I release a new song.

I plan to release a maximum of one song per month, so for example, if you got the $2 membership level, you will only get charged $2 for the whole month, providing I have released a NEW song that month. And you can even put a limit on your monthly pledge amount, to make sure you don’t get charged more than the $2. Of course, you can cancel your membership at any time you feel like you can’t support me anymore. No hard feelings.

I’ve added a selection of rewards, including bonus tracks, outtakes, and isolated instrument tracks. Select a membership level from below.

Shant Hagopian Patreon rewards

Shant Hagopian

Prog Magazine #95

The closing epic “Where Dreams Have Died” from Paradigms is on the covermount CD of the latest PROG Magazine (Issue 95).
PROG also published a review of the album in the same issue.

“Paradigms” named Instrumental Prog-Metal Album of the Year

2018 was a flourishing year, with a plethora of amazing records in the prog rock and prog metal genre. Today, I’m extremely honored to announce that “Paradigms” was named Instrumental Prog-Metal Album of the Year on Sonic Perspectives.

You know me, I don’t like music to be ranked, because it’s not a competition or a race for who’s the best. There is no best, only favorites. As the author put it best: “music is a subjective listening experience and our opinions are no more valid than yours”

Check out the best progressive metal albums of 2018 by Sonic Perspectives

Heartfelt thanks to Austin Kokel and Joel Barrios.